Why Golf is the Greatest Sport!

In my opinion, there’s no game quite like golf, for me, and millions of others, it’s the best sport in the world.

am 21. Apr 2021 um 14:36 Uhr von Craig Barnard

Why Golf is the Greatest Sport!
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In my opinion, there’s no game quite like golf, for me, and millions of others, it’s the best sport in the world. Not only do you have the excitement, drama and tension when watching as a spectator. But as a player, you also get unprecedented access to the world's top courses, and the chance to emulate your heroes.

The access you get to top golf courses is unlike any other sport. For example, you won’t be able to play a backhand winner on Centre Court at Wimbledon like Roger Federer. It’s also unlikely that you’ll get the chance to make a buzzer-beater shot at the United Centre, in the style of Michael Jordan. However, you can walk across the Swilcan Bridge at St Andrews on your way to the 18th green. You can even attempt to emulate Constantino Rocca’s miraculous 65-foot putt from the Valley of Sin at the 1995 Open Championship. As a golfer you not only get the chance to watch this amazing competition, but you can even play the course and walk the same fairways as the legends of the game. 

It’s easy to see why so many people fall in love with golf, for this reason alone. However, the appeal of golf is not just to do with access, it’s also the chance to spend a few hours walking among some of the most beautiful surroundings in the world. Also, golf is truly a sport for all ages, you may well have heard of a golfer in their nineties, who defies general medical opinion by playing a round every week. (and probably shooting a decent score). Then I have no doubt that when you’re scanning social media you’ve come across a video posted by a proud parent of their young child hitting a hole in one, or smashing a driver down the middle of the fairway. 

So, for many reasons this is an amazing game. Yes, golf does have the image of only being for the elite or wealthy, this can be true when you look at golf equipment costs or some club membership fees. However, this image is changing. The profile of today's top professional golfers is helping to reinforce this change. Take PGA Professional Andrew ‘Beef’ Johnston, he grew up in London in a working-class family, his dad was a bus driver and his mother a dinner lady. Despite this he has been able to make it to the top of this game. 

Golf is a mentally challenging game, with no two rounds the same. The game's object is to complete 18 holes by hitting the golf ball from the teeing area towards the green in the fewest number of strokes. How one golfer does this will vary from how another plays the same 18 holes, you can have your own style, and be completely unique in how you play. 

To get the most from this amazing sport though, you will need to spend some time learning the fundamentals of the game from the beginning. Doing this will prevent you from following the same path as golfers who struggle to improve and enjoy the game. This will help you reap the rewards in the future.

My website www.fungolf.co.uk came about from my desire to help beginner golfers and those who want to learn more about the game get the best start in golf. I explore some of the key equipment required and I also offer you tips and advice to improve your golf. Let's face it when you can play golf effectively, a trip to the golf course is much more fun, and it's always great if you can beat your playing partners.

You never know, if you follow these tips, practice effectively,and get the right equipment, it could be you shooting the course record on the Old Course at St Andrews in the near future!

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Craig Barnard

Craig Barnard

Brampton Heath Golf Centre

Encouraging golfers to have more fun playing the game.

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